Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Play a whole song on the piano

This one goes back to about 3rd grade. In 2006, one of my favorite DCOMs (Disney Channel Original Movie) came out - High School Musical. I was in love with this movie. I knew all the songs, and most of the choreography because of the dance-along that they had. Breaking free was my favorite song from the movie and I just had to learn to play it! I wanted to be like Kelsey: writing music, playing piano, and singing songs. Even though I didn't ask for lessons or anything, I ended up learning some piano in 6th period in 6th grade. I loved it, and I was pretty good. I even got a keyboard, but I barely use it anymore. I used to; I'd practice the little songs from class. We learned short little songs out of beginner books; all playing at middle C. So technically I can play things like Yankee Doodle, but I want an official song. I want to play a song where my hands have to move from middle C, Breaking Free would be ideal, but any short song'll work :) 

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